

Hedgehog Investment Research, LLC, is not a registered investment advisor. Pursuant to Section 202(a)(11)(d) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, Hedgehog Investment Research, LLC, is a bona fide publication regularly circulating non-personal generalized investment information to our subscribers.

Hedgehog Investment Research has made all reasonable efforts to ascertain the accuracy of the information on this website; however, cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy or completeness of all information.

Past performance of Hedgehog Investment Research, LLC, models are no guarantee of future results. The implementation of each or any of these models each hold their own unique risk factors and do not consider the subscriber’s suitability, objectives, age, account size or other personal factors that are pertinent to one’s investment decision. Hedgehog Investment Research, LLC, shall not be held liable for any financial losses that result from investing in any securities mentioned, or arising from the use of any material, on this website.

Investment values and calculations are compounded on a weekly basis with no reinvestment of dividends. Trading fees and other expenses are not considered. No representation can be made as to the future asset allocation of any of these strategies based on historical data.

Please review our Proxy and Terms and Conditions for more information.

Ryan Preiss is a Research Analyst, Senior Trader and Investment Advisor Representative with Financial Sense Advisors, Inc., a registered investment adviser. He is also a registered representative with Financial Sense Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC.  Both companies doing business as Financial Sense Wealth Management.

Risk Tolerance Definitions

  • Aggressive: The Aggressive Stock Bond Rotation Model strategy has a historical asset allocation of approximately 70% stocks and 30% bonds. Max Equities: 100%.
  • Moderate: The Moderate Stock Bond Rotation Model strategy has a historical asset allocation of approximately 50% stocks and 50% bonds. Max Equities: 80%.
  • Conservative: The Conservative Stock Bond Rotation Model strategy has a historical asset allocation of approximately 40% stocks and 60% bonds. Max Equities: 60%.